We are getting married
In less than 3 years we have managed to move 4 times between apartments and into a new house, get engaged and become parents!
Now that we are getting married, we want to spend the day with those who have been there with us over the years, both before and after we met, and who mean the most to us!
We therefore hope that you will celebrate love with us!
Information about the day
Dress code: Dark Suit (Men: dark suit in either black, blue or grey. Women: dress (long or knee length).
Food and drinks: Our guests will be served dinner accompanying wine/non-alcoholic drinks. Guests can buy their own drinks at the bar during the wedding party.
Toastmaster: If you wish to say a few words, contact the toastmaster, Casper Andersen Rødsrud, tel. 951 30 703.
Booking: If you want to stay at Lysebu Hotell, you can book a room via booking@lysebu.no. Prices are as follows: single room NOK 1,750, double room NOK 2,150 and superior double room NOK 2,450 per night. State the date of the wedding, and let them know that it is Camilla and Jonas's wedding.
We would like feedback if you/you can come by 01/03/2025. Also report if you have any allergies.
Saturday 12 April 2025
Ceremony: 14.30 at Holmenkollen Chapel
Following dinner and wedding party
Holmenkollen Kapell
Holmenkollveien 142
0791 Oslo
Lysebu Hotell
Lysebuveien 12
0790 Oslo